Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15, 2015

October 15, 2015

Psychedelic imagery is a big part of 60s art.  It was on posters and record album covers; it covered the walls of many bedrooms and dorm rooms.  I had put small touches of the psychedelic in some of my work (the large collaged flowers in ‘White Rabbit’, the line of bright symbols under the kaleidoscope eyes in ‘Lucy in the Sky’).  But I decided at the last minute that I should have a really unmistakable psychedelic image in the show.  The perfect song for this piece was ‘The Magic Bus’ by the Who.  Most of my work for this show uses bright colors, but this piece is so bright that you may need your sunglasses! 

Today the State Journal-Register ran the interview about the show in the Arts and Entertainment Section.  I want to thank Carla Jimenez for taking the time to interview us and writing about our show. Her article is on page 3A in today’s entertainment section.  It is called “Retrospective art show starts at Hoogland” and shows a photo of my Hurdy Gurdy Man and one of Linda’s lovely boxes (a picture of her heron is on 7A).  If you are in town, save me a copy, if you are out of town, here is the URL to see the article:

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