Saturday, January 2, 2016

January 2, 2016 Werewolves of London

January 2, 2016

Today I have to finish the mixed media piece that I am taking to the gallery on Monday.  I stopped working on it at the beginning of December when I started getting ready for Christmas.  I thought that I would get back to it, but that did not happen with visitors and extra preparations.  So here I am, trying to complete the piece in two days.  Luckily it was about 2/3 done.  What is it?  I am illustrating the song that I wanted to include in my 60s show, Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London."  But it came out in 1978 so that excluded it from the 60s.  I am illustrating the first verse about going to Lee Ho Fook's Chinese restaurant.  Meise Fahsl told me that the name means Good Fortune.  It was probably great fortune to be mentioned in the song.  I imagine that fans want to go there.  I found a menu online from the restaurant which I printed and am collaging part of it in the werewolf's paw. 

I am also completing framing of The Springfield Alphabet which consists of 26 6-inch x 6-inch canvases.  I am entering it in the competition to be shown at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum.  Entries are due on Monday.  I decided that there was no way that they would accept 26 separate canvases, so I am connecting them so that they can be hung from a single wire.  It is a job because the canvases have information on the sides and cannot be connected tightly.  I am leaving two inches between them.  It is an interesting problem.  I hope that it works.  I am also going to enter "The State of the Union" (rusty hat) which is also a problem.  I have to get it professionally photographed for the Incite book before taking it to the gallery.  Monday is going to be a busy day. 

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