Sunday, October 4, 2015

Octover 4, 2015

October 4, 2015

I always liked the song ‘Do You Love Me (Now that I can Dance)’ by the Contours.  It was a bonus that it is a Motown song since I wanted to cover all genres.  However when I heard it, I got a picture of hippy rabbits frolicking and dancing.  (Do not ask why, I don’t know.)  This was also fortuitous because hippies were a big part of the 60s culture and I wanted to include that as well.  Why rabbits?  I am not sure but they seemed like a good choice for a hippy (peace, love, vegetarian, etc.).  So I have two male and two female rabbits dressed in hippie clothing (flowers in their hare--sorry) dancing along the road.  This is a just for fun, silly piece.  But it is something that you look at and have to smile or even laugh.  Come to the show which runs from October 17 through December 3 at the Prairie Art Alliance Gallery at the Hoogland Center for the Arts.

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