Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 29, 2015

September 29, 2015

A favorite Simon and Garfunkel song is ‘Bridge over Troubled Water.’  I had no thoughts of illustrating that piece.  However again, I got an image in my head—an image of an angel offering God’s support to a troubled woman.  As a teen, I believe that I thought the help was being offered by a friend/boyfriend.  Now, at 68, I am looking at it from a different perspective.  I believe that God’s help is there for all of us, but we think that we are in control and that we can manage alone.  We hate to give up control.  We hold on to our problems and relive them over and over.  If you can turn off our ego and turn things over to God, it will “ease your mind.”  The angel has golden wings which were originally tea bags; I put layers of different colors of the Twinkling H2Os over them.  So the wings glow offering bright color in the darkness swirling around the woman.  It is quite different from my other 60s song images.  I hope that you will be able to come and see our show, Now, Then, and Again, which opens October 17, 2015, at the Prairie Art Alliance in the Hoogland Center for the Arts.

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